
Showing posts from July, 2021

Download Chantagear Um Milionrio By Abby Green Pdf Ebook

Download Chantagear Um Milionrio By Abby Green Pdf Ebook Genre : Romance ,Livros Por causa de um erro, nunca conseguiria fazer com que aquele homem sentisse o mesmo que ela sentia por ele… Dante D'Aquanni era um homem poderoso com uma reputação a manter. Por isso não podia tolerar que Alicia Parker se apresentasse na sua villa do Lago Como, acompanhada pela imprensa e com a pretensão de o obrigar a responsabilizar-se pela gravidez da sua irmã. Contudo, na verdade, o amante da sua irmã era o irmão de Dante. Ele queria mais do que um pedido de desculpas: queria que Alicia o acompanhasse na sua próxima viagem de negócios. Por muito maravilhoso que aquele mundo de luxo e de paixão fosse, Alicia sabia que tinha de se afastar de Dante, porque estava a apaixonar-se por um homem que a desprezava… Review: Download Chantagear Um Milionrio By Abby Green Pdf Ebook Genre : Romance ,Livros Por causa de um erro, nunca conseguiria fazer com que aquele homem sentisse o mesmo que ela sentia

Download Halfblood By Jennifer L. Armentrout Pdf Ebook

Download Halfblood By Jennifer L. Armentrout Pdf Ebook Genre : Horror, Monsters & Ghosts ,Books ,Young Adult ,Fiction Originally published October 2011 Now includes bonus novella DAIMON The Hematoi descend from the unions of gods and mortals, and the children of two Hematoi—pure-bloods—have godlike powers. Children of Hematoi and mortals—well, not so much. Half-bloods only have two options: become trained Sentinels who hunt and kill daimons or become servants in the homes of the pures. Seventeen-year-old Alexandria would rather risk her life fighting than waste it scrubbing toilets, but she may end up slumming it anyway. There are several rules that students at the Covenant must follow. Alex has problems with them all, but especially rule #1: Relationships between pures and halfs are forbidden. Unfortunately, she's crushing hard on the totally hot pure-blood Aiden. But falling for Aiden isn't her biggest problem—staying alive long enough to graduate the Covenant and

Herunterladen Der Augenjger By Sebastian Fitzek Pdf Ebook

Herunterladen Der Augenjger By Sebastian Fitzek Pdf Ebook Genre : Krimis und Thriller ,Bücher ,Belletristik und Literatur Dr. Suker ist einer der besten Augenchirurgen der Welt. Und Psychopath. Tagsüber führt er die kompliziertesten Operationen am menschlichen Auge durch. Nachts widmet er sich besonderen Patientinnen: Frauen, denen er im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes die Augen öffnet. Denn bevor er sie vergewaltigt, entfernt er ihnen sorgfältig die Augenlider. Bisher haben alle Opfer kurz danach Selbstmord begangen. Aus Mangel an Zeugen und Beweisen bittet die Polizei Alina Gregoriev um Mithilfe. Die blinde Physiotherapeutin, die seit dem Fall des Augensammlers als Medium gilt, soll Hinweise auf Sukers nächste „Patientin“ geben. Zögernd lässt sich Alina darauf ein - und wird von dieser Sekunde an in einen Strudel aus Wahn und Gewalt gerissen ... Review: Herunterladen Der Augenjger By Sebastian Fitzek Pdf Ebook Genre : Krimis und Thriller ,Bücher ,Belletristik und Literatur Dr. Suk

Download La Vie Parfaite By Charlotte Byrd Pdf Ebook

Download La Vie Parfaite By Charlotte Byrd Pdf Ebook Genre : Suspense ,Livros ,Romance ,Policiais e thrillers ,Contemporâneo Tout le monde pense que je suis un meurtrier et au bout d’un moment, c’est plus facile de laisser tomber. C’est ce que j’ai appris en prison. Mais qu’en est-il maintenant que je suis libre ? J’ai fuit mon passé. J’ai une nouvelle vie, un futur. Mais qu’en est-il de mon ancienne identité ? Isabelle pense qu’il faut se battre, que ça vaut le coup. Isabelle pense que je peux faire annuler ma peine. Mais je sais qu’elle a tort. Le système est corrompu. C’est pour ça que je me suis retrouvé en prison d’ailleurs. Je veux laver mon nom, mais à quel prix ? Que vais-je devoir sacrifier pour trouver la vérité ? Ce que les lecteurs disent de Charlotte Byrd : « Ce livre et cette saga sont addictif ! Chaud et excitant, intense avec des retournements de situations que vous n’anticiperez jamais… » ★★★★★ « Lu d’une traite ! » ★★★★★ « Comment diable ai-je survécu à

Ladata The Pool Boy By Madison Faye Pdf Ebook

Ladata The Pool Boy By Madison Faye Pdf Ebook Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance ,Holiday ,Romantic Comedy ,New Adult I should have looked away. I shouldn’t have watched. Except I did, and now, him and his, uh, diving board are all I can think about… I moved back to LA to start over after my divorce. Single, semi-retired after selling my lingerie company, and looking for a little peace and quiet by the pool. Except that’s before I get a glimpse of something I never should have seen—the boy next door, in his bedroom, through my bathroom window. Four years ago, Mason Dunn was a cutie with an infectious smile. Now, the boy next door is all grown up. Grown up, panty-meltingly gorgeous, and apparently, hung like a freaking horse. He’s completely inappropriate. He’s utterly off-limits. Not to mention, he’s my next door neighbor’s son . But when the tables get turned, and it’s Mason who catches me with my hands where they shouldn’t be, I might be helpless to say anything but “ple

Download From Sanctum With Love By Lexi Blake Pdf Ebook

Download From Sanctum With Love By Lexi Blake Pdf Ebook Genre : Erotic Romance ,Books ,Romance ,Contemporary ,Suspense ,Military Psychologist Kai Ferguson has had his eye on Kori Williamson for a long time. His assistant is everything he’s ever wanted in a partner—smart, caring, witty, and a bit of a masochist. More than a little, actually, but that’s the problem. Kori won’t admit her own desires. She’s afraid of him and what he has to offer. Luckily for her, helping patients face their fears is one of his specialties. Kori knows she wants Kai. Her boss is the most amazing man she’s ever met. She’s also smart enough to stay away from him. Having been down this road before, she knows it only leads to heartache. She’s just found a place where she can belong. Another failed relationship is the last thing she needs. It’s better to guard her heart and let Kai think she’s frightened of his dark, dominant nature.  When Kai is recruited for an operation with McKay-Taggart, everything is t